SecureCRT/Putty USB eToken auth via SSL/TLS certificate

After enabling authentication using SSH keys you may want to use certifiate on very strong and secure storage — USB token. Read the following info to be able that.



It’s simple. Just use tweaked version Putty-CAC, it’s available on Github.



In case of VanDyke product you have to enable driver support. Check if you have file C:\\Windows\\System32\\eTPKCS11.dll by exec the command (Win+R):

cmd /c dir C:\\Windows\\System32\\eTPKCS11.dll & pause

If you haven’t install SafeNet Authentication Client



To provide using Aladdin USB token certificate for ssh authorization you need to edit you Session/Global Options in Options menu.

Choose «Use identity or certificate file» radio button and paste text «pkcs11key::prov=C:\\Windows\\System32\\eTPKCS11.dll»